The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73526   Message #1275644
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
19-Sep-04 - 12:53 PM
Thread Name: When it's your own........
Subject: RE: When it's your own........
Really sorry, FB. Happened 3 times to me to date. Son #1 on his to the local bowling alley. Son #2 on his way back from the pub and both (twin) daughters on their way back from school in broad daylight! None of them too bad but I know how it feels:-(

I live in, almost, inner city Salford so it is the type of thing you grow accustomed if never quite used to. It makes me really angry when the cretinous yobs that do this sort of thing get away with it because someone feels 'it's just high spirits'. I would love to take these people with their heads in the clouds on a trip around Manchester and Salford anytime between 8pm and 4am to watch gangs of young men and women fired up on drink and drugs taking over whole roads, shouting abuse, urinating up walls and making life hell for anyone in their way. With not a policeman in sight!

One thing made me feel better recently. My niece and her boyfriend were accosted by a group of 6 yobs . Little did the idiots know that my niece teaches Thai boxing and her boyfriend is very high up the Tai Kwon Do ladder. With one broken nose, one broken arm and another unconcious in the gutter the other three thought it provident to run away. Police did question Neice and boyfriend who were released without charge and given a ride home by a very high ranking and friendly police officer.

There is justice occasionaly:-)

Hope Luke gets better soon and that you are present when these arseholes get their come-uppance.

