The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73499   Message #1276122
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
20-Sep-04 - 01:17 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Can closed threads be re-opened?
Subject: RE: Tech: Can closed threads be re-opened?
Ok, I'll answer him.
Shambles, your'e complaints with Mudcat seem to be about cencorship, as has been explained to you countless times, in many threads both here and in the Help Forum, the only threads that get deleted or closed are troublesome ones, ie arguments that get out of hand, personal attacks and long off topic cut and paste jobs.

Nobody else here seems to have a problem with this policy, recently a policy was introduced wherby old BS threads that had run there course were closed [I think the age limit for automatic closing was set at 1 year], though if a subject becomes current again ie, the BS thread subject is in the news or wahtever, any member can ask that the thread in question be re-opened.

Multiple threads on the same subject may be combined, these "rules" are for the benefit of Mudcat as a whole.

Imagine if you will, that Mudcat is a shop with an out of town owner, Joe is the manager and has been given the owners authority to run it as he sees fit, you have no right to demand that the shop owner intervenes in any disputes, the managers word is final.

Your current complaint seems to be that your "Goodbye" thread is closed, well as your'e not leaving/left and came back, there seems little point it been open.

However, if you are leaving, simply start a new thread to say your goodbyes in.

Though if you carry on moaning and complaining like this, I doubt many people would miss you.
