The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73509   Message #1276128
Posted By: John M.
20-Sep-04 - 01:47 AM
Thread Name: SEEKING Guest,.Gargoyle - re: Bawdy songs
Subject: RE: SEEKING Guest,.Gargoyle - re: Bawdy songs
Dear Bert,

Thanks for your version of Mrs. Murphy. May I ask when/where you learned it?

Here is a complete(?) version from a Usenet archive:

    (typed to a rap beat)
    Good morning Mrs Murphy I praise your heart and soul.
    I tried to fuck your daughter but I couldn't find her hole.
    I finaly found her hole beneith a golden flock,
    god damn it Mrs Murphy I couldn't find my cock!
    I finaly found my cock beneath some folds of skin,
    god damn it Mrs Murphy I couldn't get it in!
    I finally got it in and wiggled it all about,
    god damn it Mrs Murphy I couldn't get it out!
    I finallly got it out all black and bruised and sore,
    God damn it Mrs Murphy,
    Your daughter wanted MORE!

    [From: Carol Mandera mandera AT,
    Date: 1996/09/08, Usenet:]

The Mrs/Mr Murphy version is much rarer than "Walking Down Canal Street". I have a fragment of this recitation from Murray Shoolbraid from the late 1940's. Legman mentions it in "Unprintable Ozark Songs" which he learned as a child in the 1920's. Otherwise very few people know Mrs Murphy.

Gargoyle are you in the USA or Canada? By you email address is suspect that you are in Germany which will make recording your songs over the phone much more expensive.

If anyone knows any songs and is willing to sing them, I do recordings over the phone. You can reach me by sending an email to I encourage you to sing the songs that you know even if I have a version on my website because everyone does their songs diferently and, very often, to completely different tunes. If you like I can make the recordings anonymous...


John Mehlberg
My bawdy songs, toasts and recitations website: