The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73402   Message #1276275
Posted By: The Shambles
20-Sep-04 - 06:43 AM
Thread Name: Hooray: it's gassing and shooting
Subject: RE: Hooray: it's gassing and shooting
So hunting has no effect on fox populations.
So why the outcry against it?

If I were to chase you, with hunting dogs for miles across the countryside and allow them to tear you apart when you were too exhausted to run anymore - this would have little effect on the human population either - those chasing you would probably (quietly) agree.

But those chasing you on horse-back will have enjoyed the day trememdously - although you probably wouldn't - but are you not being a little selfish if you make any attempt to deny them their fun?

The main support as I see it comes from those - not even always resident in the countryside - (although how you define where the coutryside now begins and ends is an interesting question alone) who fear that without the pretence of hunting with dogs to kill foxes - that permission for 'hunts' to ride all over private land - will be not be given. This is the fear behind the claim that drag-hunting will not suffice.

This is 'cloud-cuckoo land' for as Paul Mitchell pointed out - despite many damaging advance measures to try ensure that a fox is found for the dogs to chase - many hunts on the day - do not even pick-up the scent of even one fox - let alone manage to kill any. However, I am sure that on these days, the majority of riders and followers enjoy the day just as much.