The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73499   Message #1276299
Posted By: The Shambles
20-Sep-04 - 07:12 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Can closed threads be re-opened?
Subject: RE: Tech: Can closed threads be re-opened?
One of our (known) volunteers posted to this thread to bring it to the top and sets the example to follow by saying:

Why do you feed this creature?? I just read the whole thing and find 99% of it just fodder for this poor guy to continue to feel relevant with his waffle twaffle approach. I am going to suggest that all of us shun this and all of his posts, with two exceptions. I would suggest that only Sir john9 and Catspaw answer him from here on out. Let's give it try, eh? This ought to be fun.

Thanks to those who do post and make at least some attempt to address the issue and the view that I am entitled to express. And to those who simply already just decide to ignore the thread.

Yes I am a very bad person who has not made any positive contribution to our dicussion forum in over 5 years - but despite the abuse posted - shouting me down will not change anything, except to bring the thread back up (until this one is closed too). - I still await any convincing opinion as to why the thread I am asking to be re-opened was felt necessary to close in the first place and what harm or damage could possibly do to anyone if it were re-opened?

This issue is considered by many of my fellow posters here (who still post and repeat themselves) to be an important matter. Or not as important as many of the BS titles like on aimpit hair or 3000 posts about nothing at all. If a thread is important enough to post to and bring back to the top - it is surely worth addressing the issue when you do? If it is not important - just ignore it.........