The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43849 Message #1276786
Posted By: GUEST,John Pilbeam
20-Sep-04 - 06:54 PM
Thread Name: BBC Treasure Hunt
Subject: RE: BBC Treasure Hunt
Not sure if this is still running, but Peter Pilbeam is my dad and he still lives in Manchester, where Folkweave was produced. I also thought Folkweave was crap (but then again, at the time I thought Folk was crap, full stop), apart from those programmes with recordings made whilst I was holding the microphone during school holidays (Wassailing in Bodmin is a particular favourite memory - aged about 10 - standing in a circle with about 10 pissed blokes wearing top hats and tails, all peeing into the centre spot of Bodmin [rugby] pitch around 2.00am The reference to the Beatles is inaccurate - dad auditioned them in 1962 and thought they were great - he gave them their first 6 broadcasts on national radio. The faux pas was that the audition sheet gave vocalist John Lennon the thumbs up, but Paul McCartney the thumbs down. Oh well...