The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73583 Message #1276998
Posted By: Rasener
21-Sep-04 - 01:35 AM
Thread Name: Gone the rainbow PP&M translation
Subject: Gone the rainbow PP&M translation
I have for so many years sung Gone the rainbow to my daughters at bedtime (not anymore as they are a bit too old now).
The chorus has always intigued me as I havent got the faintest what it means. My kids have also asked what it means, but I haven't been able to explain it.
Is there anybody out there that can translate the verse for me?
Many thanks
Gone The Rainbow Adapted & Arranged:Stookey/Travers/Yarrow/Okun
Chorus Shule, shule, shule-a-roo, Shule-a-rak-shak, shule-a-ba-ba-coo. When I saw my Sally Babby Beal, come bibble in the boo shy Lorey.