The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73470   Message #1279375
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
23-Sep-04 - 05:36 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Folk, bluegrass radio in Detroit
Subject: RE: Obit: Folk, bluegrass radio in Detroit
Ron is more objective than I. His description of the situation is quite accurate---as are his comments about a new GM or Univ. Pres. I am more emotional about it and surely urge people not to support those kind of stations. I know I stopped supporting WNYC when they changed their format just like that.   I still listen to the programs there that I always did---but the ones I supported are gone and so am I.

I would, however, disagree with Ron about "FUV is now one of the most listened to Public radio Stations in the country". From my understanding---I stand to be corrected---they do not show up on any ratings service in any signifigant position.   Did they get more underwriters---probably. Did they get "names" as hosts---sure. Did that help ratings---doubtful. Probably a trade off with what they cancelled. Now, WNYC has, from what I hear when tuned in, gotten a slew of underwriters that take up plenty of time now during a broadcast hour---almost like commercial radio with a softer sell.

Like the "Swift Boat" business we are probably giving FUV more "ink" than this is worth since it is really just a local station---and WNYC probably has 10 times (for want of a large number) than they do in this area.

In short---if one feels strongly --make sure you support the programs that you like and support them at whatever place they move to.

Ron may well be correct about Internet programming---perhaps I am a Luddite and feel that if it ever happens in any great numbers it is ages away---people still like to listen in a car and get local news and programming.

Speak for yourself, Bill---yep that I am

Bill Hahn