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Thread #73605   Message #1279750
Posted By: Lepus Rex
24-Sep-04 - 05:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Al-Qa'eda will vote for Bush'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Al-Qa'eda will vote for Bush'
Certainly, dianavan, one should listen to what minorities, persecuted or otherwise, have to say. But by relying mainy or exclusively on these sources, you're not allowing yourself to see the full picture. Your image of Iran as a big terrorist training camp, where the citizens live in dread of wicked mullahs just WAITING to fuck them over because, like, they're evil an' shit, is ridiculous. Believe it or not, Iran is home to tens of millions of people who love their country and are happy to live there. And Iran, for all its flaws, is becoming, on its own terms, a vibrant democracy. And not only does Iran have democratic elections, but women can even vote in them, unlike in wonderful, "free" Kuwait.

And some of your statements... Christ...:

"Would you like to be expelled from university, drafted into the Iranian army at seventeen and then captured by the Iraqis and held in a POW camp?" Uh, no. Replace "Iranian" with "US," "17" with "18," and "Iraqis" with "Vietnamese," and I've met several people who REALLY didn't like it. So he was drafted. Tough shit. Life isn't fair.

"It is I who have caused the confusion regarding which terrorist groups recruit in Iran. Does it really matter?" Uh, yeah? Yanno, since it's not true and all? By spreading false information, you're only helping those who do want to go to war against Iran. (Never going to happen, btw) Do you know what the only Iranian group on the US list of terrorist organisations is? The radical leftist group Mujahedeen-e Khalq. They're based in Iraq, and had been fighting against the Iranian govt. for years with Saddam's help. They even killed some Americans in the 70s, heh.

"They recruit throughout the middle east but especially in Iran where they have easy access to young schoolboys." INSANE. Where did you hear this? A source. One fucking source, please. PLEASE continue to give your opinions, but without the bullshit. Maddening.

---Lepus Rex