The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73605   Message #1280506
Posted By: dianavan
24-Sep-04 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Al-Qa'eda will vote for Bush'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Al-Qa'eda will vote for Bush'
McGrath - AlQuaeda does recruit in Iran as well as other terrorist groups but don't get me wrong - I am not in the Bush camp and I am not advocating war on Iran. Since you seem to have such vast knowlege of Iran, maybe you can explain why the U.S. has had no dialogue with Iran regarding the plight of women in Iran for the last 25 years.

Wolfgang, I already acknowleged by error when lumping all terrorists under the name of AlQaeda. I will stand by my claim that they and other terrorist groups do recruit (big time) in Iran and that the mullahs do, in fact, use terrorists to carry out their objectives.

Thank-you for confirming my statement that Iran has a ghastly human-rights record.

Lepus Rex - Yeh, the only terrorist group listed by the U.S. in Iran is the "radical leftist group Mujahedeen-e Khalq." I wonder why?

I never said that Iran is the training ground for terrorists. They recruit in Iran but most of the training occurs in Afghanistan, Kashmir and Pakistan.

As to your statement: Tough shit. Life isn't fair....

Does that mean we should stop striving for what is fair?

Unlike the young men drafted in the U.S. - there were ways out of that (seeking refuge in Canada, getting a "medical", faking homosexuality, or asking daddy to pull a few strings). In Iran there is no way out. Once you turn 14 you are not allowed to leave the country. Doesn't matter is your family has been pacifists for 1000 years. In fact, the sons of minorities are often sent to the front lines. Ever heard of genocide?

By the way, I will never defend a country that executes girls who have been raped. And yes, I do believe the Mullahs are evil. The U.N. should have done something about this problem long ago. Lets hope that now that the Mullahs are talking about nuclear power, the U.N. will do everything in their power to stop that from happening. If the Mullahs have nuclear weapons, it will leave Israel very little choice but to launch a first strike.
