The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2312   Message #12807
Posted By: jns
22-Sep-97 - 01:48 AM
Thread Name: Song Circle Locations
Subject: RE: Song Circle Locations
With LA being so big, it may seem a daunting task to start talking with some of those 6 million people. Especially if you believe the media hype about it being a cultural wasteland and everyone out for themselves. But don't you believe it. Big city though we are, we're made up of little communities and in those communities as friendly a people as you'll find a way up in the mountains. I'll be happy to mention a few of the great folk music events, song circles and venues in LA.

Number One for starters contact The California Traditional Music Society (CTMS) run by Clark and Elaine Weisman in the valley (San Fernando) at 818-342-SONG. They know everything about folk music in the area (and elsewhere) They have an immense music festival every June: The Summer Solstice Festival out at SOKA University in the valley. (It's currently on hiatus this year until they find a new executive director) They (CTMS) are still producing concerts and you can get on their mailing list by leaving your address at the above number. They also usually put on a New Year's Camp (but not this year) that's loads of fun. Dancing too.There's a lot of Contra Dancing going on. Anyone who goes dancing usually knows what's happening in the folk music scene. Another festival is The Claremont Folk Festival which happens yearly in May or June. Contact them at 909-624-2928 or 987-5701 There are numerous song circles going on. One I know of is the Santa Monica Traditional Folk Music Club who meet on the first Friday of the month at a temple on Broadway or Colorado Ave. called Sha'arei Am. Try 310-3768760. They put on a yearly gift (this year number 14) to the community of a Sea Shantey Day that coincided with Clean up The Beaches day yesterday (Sat. Sept 21). There's a Celtic Music group that meets in people's homes once a month call 310-677-5377. I know there's still a song circle out in Orange County but don't have info on it any more. There are people who do Shape Note Music. (call above #) twice a month. There are other sings going on at people's homes from a group called Songmakers. Sorry, don't have their number at hand. For folk music stores there's World of Strings in Long Beach, McCabe's in Santa Monica, Shade Tree in Laguna Nigel, The Fret House in Covina, Claremont Folk Music Center in Claremont, Cal Tech puts on folk concerts, concerts in Santa Fe Springs, The Barn in Riverside, The Celtic Arts Center puts on stuff on its own and in connection with the Raven Playhouse in North Hollywood. Call 213-462-6844 There are numerous house concerts going on all the time. The above sites will know about. Try a few of those and start singing!! jns