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Thread #73670   Message #1281206
Posted By: Thomas the Rhymer
26-Sep-04 - 01:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
OK, old guy... I guess my 'fridge magnet' poetry doesn't do it for you then... ;^)

I'll be more direct.

Staying the course.
If you remember, the wepons inspectors were 'the course' back before the war, and almost all of the world's industrial powers were wholly behind them... and Saddam was under the ire and scrutiny of the world. The US was the recipient of a declaration of war by Al Qaida, and we were attacked by Al Qaida. The US is at war with the terrorist network Al Qaida...
George Bush did not stay the course in this war with Al Qaida. He changed the subject to Iraq, and diverted billions of dollars of taxpayer money (one billion a week, these days) and hundereds of thousands of military personel to a dangerous and angry Iraq. Many Countries around the world have since stopped giving us their ungrudging support, and the US is 'going it alone', for the most part... because of Bush's cavalier attitude towards the waging of an unprecidented (and unnecessary for the purpose of US national security) preemptive war.
Contractors from all over the world submitted bids for the renovation and rebuilding of Iraq... but the overwhelming majority of them were turned away without any consideration. This did not encourage any multinational support either... and just flat out pissed off a lot of our allies.

If we are to encourage Democracy in a country that has never know it, war is the least likely method to be successful. Punitive sanctions are also ineffective... and the rise of fascism in '30's Germany is arguably the result of such measures.
Kerry understands these things, and this is why I support him wholeheartedly. In order to bring about a Democracy from the ashes of tyranny, the world must democratically be involved in the process, and the lasting relationships needed for a healthy Capitalist market system can begin their development.. A Democracy needs to be created from within the social structures of the country... and cannot be imposed by one isolated superpower... It just doesn't work that way. The only real chance Iraq has for Democracy, is through the honest and well intentioned efforts of a world wide coalition... The shared efforts of multinational cooperation can stimulate it's own reflection in the new Iraqi society base. Also, a broad well supported coalition... with shared initiatives, goals, and peacekeeping efforts... diffuses the hatred directed towards the US. Not only will the US have to play by the rules... thereby engendering less selfrighteous anger in Iraqis... but also, and moreso, the many powerful Democracies around the world are an awesome force when they band together... way more than the sum of their military mights.

Kerry understands this. Bush seems to be allergic to it.