The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71672   Message #1281287
Posted By: Strollin' Johnny
26-Sep-04 - 06:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Iraqi Head of Govt Murders Prisoners
Subject: RE: BS: New Iraqi Head of Govt Murders Prisoners
But is any of it true? There has been such a huge volume of mis- and dis-information showered down on us since this whole debacle was first mooted a couple of years ago (shit, is it only a couple of years? Seems much longer!) it's impossible to know who's telling the truth, or even if ANYONE is telling the truth. I guess, in the absence of much clearly verifiable information, a lot of people are attributing that rare commodity to whichever piece of 'news' suits their personal agendas.

Where Iraq's concerned truth is, as me old dad used to say, as rare as rocking-horse shit.