The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73733   Message #1281512
Posted By: Don Firth
26-Sep-04 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nazi salute in church
Subject: RE: BS: Nazi salute in church
Kendall, being quite ancient, I remember this. While reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, the right arm was extended toward the flag, elbow straight, fingers straight, and in line with the arm. This was the same as the Nazi salute, and that's why it was changed to placing the right hand over the heart early during World War II (I was in the Boy Scouts at the time, and they were real tight on the Flag Code and other such things [it has since become a pretty tight-assed conservative organization]).

Mary, unless there is something else occurring in the church you attend that would support some pretty strange things within that individual church, I think you're probably reading something into it that isn't really there. I attend a Lutheran church (irregularly), and the pastor, at the end of the service, extends her right arm (elbow slightly bent, palm toward the congregation) and bestows the closing blessing. I have seen other pastors raise both arms in a similar manner. I have also seen pastors bestow the closing blessing while raising both arms, elbows well-bent, palms toward the congregation, in a sort of "hands up!" gesture. I think this is probable just the style of the individual pastor or priest.

One robin doth not a spring make. Two robins, perhaps. Three robins, quite probably.

Don Firth