The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71672   Message #1281581
Posted By: dianavan
26-Sep-04 - 02:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: New Iraqi Head of Govt Murders Prisoners
Subject: RE: BS: New Iraqi Head of Govt Murders Prisoners
Thanks, freda, especially for this (ithelps me understand the situation a little better):

"If Sistani, who is under treatment for heart problems in London, were to die, a period of uncertainty in the Shiite leadership would ensue. He would almost surely be succeeded by one of the other grand ayatollahs in Najaf. There is a dispute in the Arabic press about which is the leading candidate. Some suggest that Najafi, who has expressed vehemently anti-American sentiments, is next in line. Another contender is Fayed, 75, who is said to reject the idea of clerical involvement in politics altogether, being more politically quietist than Sistani."

It would be risky to involve Sistani if his health is in danger. To replace him with Fayed would probably be a good move but he's pretty old, too. That leaves Najaf. Oh-oh!

Bad move on the part of the Americans to alienate these guys.

Bad move to install puppets. This will never end unless the U.S. starts to pay attention to the religious leaders in Iraq.
