The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14726   Message #128167
Posted By: WyoWoman
26-Oct-99 - 11:05 AM
Thread Name: Explain the BS rules
Subject: RE: Explain the BS rules
I think the Revolution did happen and we were instrumental. I just think we got stymied in the middle and there's still much work to be done. But I have faith in the teens and 20-somethings. They're starting to get stirred up -- just need some leadership. And so many of them are absolutely the most splendid human beans we could imagine, with a deep sense of justice and fair play and respect for people with differences. I think we did our work well. Revolutions are never completed in one generation, and believing that is where many of us got lost and felt so disempowered. Human consciousness is a process, and by most measures, if you compare where we are now to where we were 30 years ago, we've accomplished a great deal.

(And re. the brownies -- my first experience with 'em was at a Jimi Hendrix concert in Norman, Oklahoma. My girlfriend and I had no idea how much you were supposed to do, so we put in about a bale. I have no real recollection of the concert -- just a bunch of frisbees sailing back and forth through the black lights they had up on stage... If pot is ever legalized, it will have to carry a warning: "This will make you chemically stoopid." Which has its place, I suppose, as long as you're not trying to operate heavy machinery such as cars, or carry on an intelligent conversation about something other than the funny smell in the room...)