The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73733   Message #1281902
Posted By: Little Hawk
26-Sep-04 - 10:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nazi salute in church
Subject: RE: BS: Nazi salute in church
I bet people were discussing stuff like this back in the days of the Spanish Inquisition too...only it was "imps of satan" they were looking for then, not Neo-Nazis. Every age has its own boogeymen that it obsesses over...going by the outer form, and NOT the inner intention, because it's so much easier to sieze upon outer forms than to actually look within a person for what's really there.

I hope I reincarnate next time in a time and place far distant where nobody has ever even heard of the fecking Nazis! I'm sick of it. It is used as an excuse to cover up and justify other iniquities, to launch new wars and atrocities, to persecute new targets of opportunity.

The people presently ruling in the White House are far more dangerous to the World at this time than the Nazis (given that the Nazis are basically defunct as a power base in this World)...and their chosen outer symbols are the American flag, the American Eagle, the US Marine Corps, the White Star, the US dollar, and stuff like that. Judge them by their intentions and actions, NOT by their outer symbols. Any symbol can be used for good or for evil with equal facility.

Look how the Christians have used the cross in the last 20 centuries...for good and for evil...

The Germans used the cross too. It was (and is) their main national military insignia. A black and white cross. Where do you think that came from? It came from the Christian religion.