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Thread #73670   Message #1281992
Posted By: GUEST,Old Guy
27-Sep-04 - 02:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
If Kerry does such and such is not enough to make me want to vote for him. Nobody can tell what he will do because he does not take a firm stand on anything. He is for and against everything. He kisses the ass of everybody just to get elected and then what?

I know what bush will do so I am voting for him.

He had the guts to do something about Afghanistan and Saddam. Kerry has the guts to put down his own country and his own military. He also has the guts to be for the war and against the war 6 months later.

Again I ask about the corruption in the oil for food program. It put money in the hands of terrorist organizations. This corruption would still be channeling money to them if Saddam had not been removed from power. Therefore the invasion of Iraq was a necessary part of the war on terrorism.

Now how about Iran an N Korea. Yes they are a threat. Should we have attacked all three Axis of Evil nations at once? Should Korea have been attacked before Iraq? Or maybe Iran first?

If we should not attack any of them why are the antiwar people asking about attacking Iran and Korea? An attack on either or no attacks at all would have brought protests too so why try to play a popularity contest? Just blow the bastards that want to kill us away and the rest of the Arab world will show us respect like Qaddafi.

Part of the war plan in Iraq was to use local uprisings to overthrow Saddam but it did not work out that way. It seems we left the people that were uprising in the last war with their ass hanging out and they did not trust us this time. Plus the war planners were mislead by one Mr Chalabi, a lying thief who is only after money. It was a total mistake to believe his line of bullshit.

Is this transition to being independent on oil is supposed to happen overnight? I think the transition would be over a 20 year period at least. Are jetliners supposed to fly with rubber bands for engines? How about heating and electrical generation? Are we to burn wood for heat? Nobody wants nuclear power plants because of the risk and disposing of the waste. We can't drill for oil in Alaska. We can't cut down trees for firewood.

What the hell is the answer except to try to stabilize the middle east? I don't think Kerry has a magic wand that will do the job and no plan that I have heard except "working with foreign leaders" that are dead set against working with the US and specifically him.

Old Guy