The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62985   Message #1282576
Posted By: SINSULL
27-Sep-04 - 05:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sometimes my cat(s).....
Subject: RE: BS: Sometimes my cat(s).....
My Lizzie is a confused little kittie who cannot comprehend corners. She will sit facing a corner and cry and cry until I come and get her. She has a similar reaction to mirrors sometimes.

Alice as most of you know is a slut. She loves men. Her most recent conquest is the mailman. He never smiled for two years. Then one day Alice happened to be on the front steps when he arrived. She followed him. He tried to shoo her away. She continued to follow until he finally came back to the house to tell me that my cat was following him. He was so pleased to hear that she was in love with him. Now at mail time Alice sits at the front door and watches for him. But don't tell Micca.

Ed has taken to pulling my hair at night when my breathing gets too loud. NO, I don't snore! His morning routine includes having his ears cleaned with Q-tips. Then a big fat kitty hug - he is huge. I get scratched if I forget.

And Fred brings me voles every day along with an occasional bird. Unfortunately he sometimes slips them by me when he comes in and I have to track them down by smell days later. My neighbor has birdfeeders. She occasionally lets her two little yippy dogs loose in her yard to chase off Fred who sits patiently under the bird feeder waiting for a careless bird.