The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72750   Message #1283606
Posted By: Jeri
28-Sep-04 - 08:44 PM
Thread Name: 2004 Getaway Program info
Subject: RE: 2004 Getaway Program info
Edmund, it's just in my nature to come up with ideas that no one has thought of before. I thought I was being terribly original.

Rita, I think one always has to address 'punishment' when they talk about 'crime'. Otherwise, it just looks like bad guys get away with all sorts of things. Plus, there are a few songs about punisment that don't talk about the crime. All those 'gallows tree' songs where people are wondering what they're going to get when the guy's dead. A huge percentage of All Songs Ever Written will fit this workshops... murder, theft, rape, poaching, incest, adultery, beheadings, hangings, naked pages with big swords, damning people's eyes, eels (or marrowbones), throwing people off the ship or leaving them on and sinking it, transporting people someplace horrible such as Australia...
...maybe you should have a workshop for "Songs that Don't Fit in Crime & Punishment." There ought to be a couple.

Ebbie, Friday night ends when people fall over. Saturday, there are workshops, then the concert, then it ends when people fall over. Sunday is a lot like Saturday, but with gospel music. On Monday, we eat breakfast and sing (if our voices still work), and we try to avoid falling over because it was too hard to get up in the first place. At some point on Monday, various 'shooers' come around with cattle prods and tell us to go home.