The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73819   Message #1283659
Posted By: Bobert
28-Sep-04 - 10:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Religious Freedom vs. Local Zoning Laws
Subject: RE: BS: Religious Freedom vs. Local Zoning Laws

Go back and reread yer response to me...

Seems like its less about density than the contractor who is gonna get the contract. Is that what you are concerned about?

I'm having trouble getting a fix on your sitaution. It seems to go from visions, to densities to bucks...

Tell ya' what, Sol. If you are capable of makin' the case that the "opposition" is making then maybe I, or someone here, might have some advice to offer you that you might find helpful.

But, based on yer story up to now which seems to chnage with every new post, I will warn you that I might just find myself on the side of the opposition...

But we won't know unless you come clean with the issues that sepaerate your side from the "opposition"...
