The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73819   Message #1283974
Posted By: Rapparee
29-Sep-04 - 09:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Religious Freedom vs. Local Zoning Laws
Subject: RE: BS: Religious Freedom vs. Local Zoning Laws
1. Would the zoning laws permit or deny the construction of a Catholic church or a Kingdom Hall or a Mormon stake or a mosque in the neighborhood, as well as a synagogue? If so, I don't see that the law is discriminatory. If, on the other hand, it would deny a synagogue but permit a Druidic grove or a cathedral, the law is discriminating.

2. If you want to have 15 kids and four grandparents living in the same house as mom and dad I don't see where the State gets off in telling you you can't. On the other hand, the government has a legitimate interest in controling the density of use of land. Out here, lots of members of the LDS Church have lots of kids -- they build a big house; but the city ordinances prohibit more than three unrelated people from sharing an apartment (and students still sublet half their bedroom!). There are sewer, water, fire, health, and parking considerations as well.

Just the two cents' worth from someone raised Catholic and living in Idaho (where the Jewish population is admittedly rather small).