The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73670   Message #1285051
Posted By: Amos
30-Sep-04 - 01:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
Old Guy:

Free speech of the sort that criticizes an incompetent in office at worst will habve the effect of convincing the terrorists, whoever they are, that not ALL AMericans are as dumb as the President, and to proceed carefully with others.

If we are to defeat terrorists, why the FUCK did we head off to invade a country which was not being terrorist, at least not externally? Isn't that a confusion of goals? Sure looks like a misassessment to me.

As for contention about the past election causing contention in this one, that is why we HAVE elections -- to work through contentious situations and find an allegedly democratic path to the future. Elections have to be contentious by their nature, or they are mockeries. You want a mockery? You want to, what, BURY the polarization that has made this nation more divided than any time since Lincoln? Just suppress the voices of dissent? Screw that. Dissent is the FIRST sign of a healthy and free people at work, when it is tolerated under the law.   When it is suppressed by political force, it is the first sign of fascism. WHich path do you prefer? If you think this is not a problem in this country, try wearing a Kerry t-shirt to the next Republican rally you go to. You may stand at risk of being arrested for your dissent.

Just a few thoughts on the matter.