The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73870   Message #1285270
Posted By: George Papavgeris
30-Sep-04 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: Why I Will Not Watch the Debate (s)
Subject: RE: Why I Will Not Watch the Debate (s)
Martin Gibson, give us a break. "Something historical"? Well, if I lived in the US I might agree with you (and even then not too sure, given the debate's minimal impact on voters). But out here, with 6 hours difference and other fish to fry closer to home like what will happen to the British hostage, the US presidential debate's significance fades fast.

Important, OK, I'll agree. For some people at least. Historical? I doubt the world's history books will refer to it.

The result of the election - now THAT's what's important. The posturing before is just politics.