The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9070   Message #1285653
Posted By: Joe Offer
01-Oct-04 - 01:21 AM
Thread Name: Lyr/Tune Add: Vu Iz Dos Gesele
Subject: ADD Version: Vu Iz Dos Gesele
I really want to hear that Jay and the Americans recording.
Here's the transliteration from Songs of Generations: New Pearls of Yiddish Song, by Eleanor and Joseph Mlotek. I think the Mloteks usually do a good job. Transliteration of Yiddish isn't an exact science - and German Yiddish transliteration is quite different from what you'll find in the U.S.
-Joe Offer-

Vu Is Dos Gesele

Vu iz dos gesele, vu iz di shtib (shtub)?
Vu iz dos meydele, vemen kh'hob lib?
Ot iz dos gesele, ot iz di shtib,
Ot iz dos meydele, vemen kh'hob lib.

Vu iz dos taykhele, vu iz di mil?
Vu iz dos derfele, vu iz di shil?
Ot iz dos taykhele, ot iz di mil,
Ot iz dos derfele, ot iz di shil.

Arayn in di shtiber, mayn veytog iz groys,
Alts iz geblibn a kholem nor bloyz,
Nishto mer dos gesele, nishto mer di shtib,
Nishto mer dos meydele vemen kh'hob lib.

Notes: Folksong: the text of one stanza was published in 1912 by Y. L. Cahan. The Ukrainian equivalent, beginning with "Gdye eto ulitsa" was published by Z. Skuditski in 1936. Dov Noy and Meir Noy bring the first stanza in Yiddish, Hebrew and Russian. It also appears in another folksong "Du zolst nit geyn mit keyn andere meydelekh" (You Shouldn't Go With Any Other Girls). The second stanza of the present text was transcribed by the compilers from a recording of Jan Peerce. A related theme is in the song "Fargangene yorn" by Leyb Ayzn in Leye Bloch-Lederer's collection Di shenste geklibene yidishe lider: Actress Mina Bern sang the song in the musical Those Were the Days.

Note that I added a couple of MIDIs to this thread.
-Joe Offer-