The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73920   Message #1286616
Posted By: Shanghaiceltic
01-Oct-04 - 10:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: I hate Christmas
Subject: RE: BS: I hate Christmas
I like to use it to mark the change of the year. Even though I live in China and apart from a few Christians Christmas is not a holiday here. However that does not stop rapid capitalist commercialism from hitting the stores but at least it is not until the start of December.

Christmas trees and decorations go on sale, the stores get decked out in festering, oops sorry, festive decor and the Chinese go out and buy it all, but still wonder why they are doing it. My neighbours ask for serious advice on where they can put there trees....

The stores all play festive music, trouble is they seem to have only one cd which sounds like the Chipmunks on dope singing Disney style carols and songs. My local supermarket had a live sized robot Santa which swungs its hips in a rather lavicious and suggestive manner whilst singing a variety of songs including 'All I want for Christmas...' , 'Frosty the Snowman' , and best of all 'Here comes Santa Clause'.

But that is an advance on some decorations I saw in a hotel in Northern China about 10 years ago. In the middle of the lobby was a big Christmas tree with a pile of plastic snow nearby on top of which was a nice cardboard hut painted and decorated to look like a log cabin. Santa peered out of the window and dancing around below the window where some rodents dressed in wee festive jackets and nice hats. I thought they looked rather realistic so I went to look closer. They were realistic as they were indeed rather large stuffed rats! I did enquire where I could buy a set from but it seemed they were ordered and made locally by a taxidermist. Luckily the fairy on the tree was just plastic as that might have presented some challenges.

Yes I like Christmas.