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Thread #73907   Message #1286851
Posted By: GUEST
02-Oct-04 - 10:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry Declared Winner of First Debate..
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry Declared Winner of First Debate..
What a surprise that the Kerry camp doesn't agree with anyone but themselves! Here is what the Kerry camp just plain doesn't get about the majority of the American people:

"Unless you were looking for them to face off in wrestling trunks in a cage match, this was what politics should be."

No, this sham was exactly what politics in a democratic society SHOULD NOT be.

Most Americans would be more than happy to settle for the high standards set by the League of Women Voters, who now refuses to have anything to do with these "debate" shams, financed by the very same corporate robber barons that finance the Democratic and Republican parties.

The "Lehrer format" was a cruel hoax. Like I said, it is the very same format used on his daily news program. For a foreign policy discussion, they didn't talk about the politics of oil, which brings in Latin America (Venezuela, for instance), Africa (Nigeria, for instance), the entire Middle East, Russia, and all the former satellite states of the Soviet Union, ie the barely out of the middle ages states found between the Middle East and the Soviet Union.

Then there is the world banking system that supports the corporate robber barons of the post-industrial societies, at the expense of the pre-industrial and marginally industrialized societies.

The politics of oil and easy money is at the very center of US foreign policy. The US uses the threat of it's nuclear supremacy to dictate military policy to the oil rich nations of the world, and the world banking system dictates horrific economic policies and holds the purse-strings.

The result is that rather than the American system of government serving the American peoples' interests, the American people are now serving the interests of the American government.

That is what most Americans believe. They believe the government no longer works for them, and that they have been enslaved and exploited by system of government who works for it's corporate bosses rather at the expense of we, the people. And most Americans believe the Democratic party is just as bought and paid for by the robber barons as the Republican party is, they just arrange the priority list, which is the same for both parties, in a different order.

To most Americans, there is no GOOD choice for president. That is how we get a George W. Bush as president of the United States. That is why my mother, a life long Republican who is now living on Medical Assistance in a nursing home being deprived of the care she needs by a badly broken medical system that does not serve her needs, will vote for Ralph Nader this year. The first time in her 86 years that she will not vote for the Republican candidate.

That is why my father, who has been separated from my mother by my mother's illness and the worst medical system among the world's post-industrial "democracies" (if we can still call them that and mean it), who also is a life long Republican who holds to the "old school" Republican values, will not vote for president at all this year, just as he did in 2000. He won't vote for president, he says, because "there isn't one decent candidate even if you combine the two of them".

Most Americans are no longer sending their children to the slaughter in the US "volunteer" military either. They know what is up. They aren't stupid, and they aren't falling for the "support our troops" propaganda campaigns. The result? America is running out of cannon fodder for the oil wars.

But you "Anybody But Bush" people keep thinking if you just get your guy in this election cycle, it will all start to get better. The situation the US is in ain't gonna get better, because both Kerry and Bush are the oligarchy. Both Bush and Kerry belong to and represent the economic interests of the parties that have been bought and paid for by the corporate robber barons who have taken over the world's democracies.

The majority of Americans know just how corrupt both parties and both candidates are, and that is why we despair of "the freedom of choice" being "offered", between two candidates who work for the same "Boss Hog" as Bobert likes to call the American plutocracy.

That is what the Kerry camp is blind to, because they choose to keep believing that voting for their party isn't making the situation worse, when it is EXACTLY the problem.

A vote for Kerry is a vote to stay the status quo course, and keeping the American plutocrats firmly entrenched in the halls of government.