The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73907   Message #1286954
Posted By: Don Firth
02-Oct-04 - 02:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry Declared Winner of First Debate..
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry Declared Winner of First Debate..
There are always those out there who assume that because you don't agree with them you're not thinking; that you are in some "camp" or other (Kerry, liberal, etc.), that you are just flat wrong, and that you refuse to consider any arguments (i.e., unsupported assertions) other that those that support the position they favor. They show every characteristic of the people they criticize.

The message that GUEST appears to be trying to get across is that we should all just go sit in a corner and whimper piteously about what a horrible mess the world is in. Or vote for either Nader or Cobb, which amounts to the same thing.

Don Firth