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Thread #73670   Message #1287028
Posted By: GUEST,Old Guy
02-Oct-04 - 05:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
Are we talking about votes or are we talking about people who wanted to vote, screwed up and then someone had to devine how they wanted to vote?

How many studies came to this conclusion? How many came to the opposite conclusion?

How about trying this: I searched gore won on Google.
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,180,000 for gore won.
I searched "bush won" Results 1 - 10 of about 4,560,000 for bush won.
I put it in quotation marks and I get:
Results 1 - 10 of about 48,000 for "gore won"
Results 1 - 10 of about 118,000 for "bush won"
It looks to me like more people think Bush won.

Obviously you believe Gore won. I don't.

Does it prove whether Kerry is an arrogant asshole or not?

What it does prove is that there is a lot of anger left over from that election to put the upcoming elections in question regardless of who wins and that is not good.

How long are we going to carry it forward? Look at the assholes in Serbia and Kosovo. They are still killing each other about shit that they claim or think happened 1000 years ago. People have to learn to get along but this partisan bullshit has to end or we will be in another Kosovo vs Serbia or Palestinian vs Jew conflict complete with bombs. The main cause of it is the Democrat vs Republican conflict.

In any event, I think Kerry is an arrogant asshole.

Old Guy