The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73907   Message #1287178
Posted By: Bobert
02-Oct-04 - 10:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry Declared Winner of First Debate..
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry Declared Winner of First Debate..
Yo, Ron Davies...

You way too literal... I had to point that out to the other Ron... Man, I write a little ubsurd satire and you don't get it... The point I was makin' was about the Bush/Gore debates in 2000 when Gore won them all too handilly... and the networks had the peanut galleries packed with NASCAR mentality voters who say, one after another, "Bush won"...

Man, you and other Ron gotta get together and start figuring out when Iz playin', which is 'bout all the time! Don't mean I don't have a few points to get accross 'cept that they is done with a certain amount o' good ol' wes ginny, ah shucks, humor....
