The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33807   Message #1289232
Posted By: John in Brisbane
05-Oct-04 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: Req: Sing-along songs from the 20's & 30's
Subject: Lyr Add: BABY FACE; BYE BYE BLACK BIRD; etc.
Here's a further selection from the 20's and 30's. Pardon me if I've duplicated anything from above. I'll add the lyrics to NWC files at a later stage, hence the breaks into syllables.

Regards, John

Words and Music by Davis & Akst – 1926

Ros -y cheeks and turn'd up nose and curl -y hair
I'm rav -ing 'bout my ba -by now
Pret -ty lit -tle dim -ples here and dim -ples there
Don't want to live with -out her I love her good -ness knows
I wrote a song a -bout her And here's the way it goes: 

Ba -by Face You've got the cut -est lit -tle Ba -by Face
There's not an -oth -er one could Take your place. Ba -by Face
My poor heart is jump -in; You sure have start -ed some -thin'
Ba -by Face; I'm up in heav -en when I'm In your fond em -brace,
I did -n't need a shove 'Cause I just fell in love
With your pret -ty Ba -by Face.

Music by R. Henderson, Words by M. Dixon – 1926

Black -bird Black -bird sing -ing the blues all day
Right -out side of my door
Black -bird Black -bird Why do you sit and say
"There's no sun -shine in store"
All thru the win -ter you hung a -round
Now I be -gin to feel home -ward bound
Black -bird Black -bird got -ta be on my way
Where there's sun -shine ga -lore 

Pack up all my care and woe here I go sing -ing low
Bye Bye Black -bird
Where some -bod -y waits for me sug -ar's sweet so is she
Bye Bye Black -bird
No one here can love and un -der stand me
Oh what hard luck stor -ies they all hand me
Make my bed and light the light I'll ar -rive late to -night
Black -bird Bye Bye

Breezin' Along With The Breeze
Words & Music by Haven Gillespie, Seymour Simons & Richard A. Whiting
- 1926
I have been a rov -er Since I was a child
No one to love or care for me
Knock'd a -round all o -ver Kind -a grew up wild
My home's where -ev -er I may be 

I'm just breez -in' a -long with the breeze,
Trail -in' the rails, roam -in' the seas,
Like the bird -ies that sing in the trees,
Pleas -in' to live, liv -in' to please,
The sky is the on -ly roof I have o -ver my head
And when I'm wea -ry Moth -er Na -ture makes me a bed,
I'm just go -in' a -long as I please,
Breez -in' a -long with the breeze. breeze.

California Here I Come
Words and Music by Al Jolson, Bud De Sylva and Joseph Meyer - Copyright 1924

When the win -try winds are blow -ing,
And the snow is start -ing in to fall,
Then my eyes turn west -ward, know -ing
That's the place I love the best of all.
Cal -i -for -nia, I've been blue,
Since I've been a -way from you,
I can't wait 'til I get go -ing, e -ven now
I'm start -ing in to call Oh, 

Cal -i -for -nia, here I come
Right back where I start -ed from
Where bow -ers of flow -ers bloom in the sun
Each morn -ing, at dawn -ing, Bird -ies sing an' ev -'ry -thing.
A sun -kist miss said, "Don't be late"
That's why I can hard -ly wait
O -pen up that Gold -en Gate
Cal -i -for -nia, here I come.

Dream A Little Dream Of Me
Words by Gus Kahn, Music by W. Schwandt and F. Andree – 1931

We meet at eve -ning time, 'Tis sweet at eve -ning time,
To know I'll spend an hour or two, Just with you.
Then when the hour grows late; I love to hes -i -tate__
The mo -ments seem so fleet -ing, While I am here re -peat -ing. 

Stars shin -ing bright a -bove you, Night breez -es seem to whis -per, "I
love you,"
Birds sing -ing in the syc -a -more tree, "Dream a lit -tle dream of Me."
Say "night -ie -night" and kiss me, Just hold me tight and tell me you'll
miss me;
While I'm a -lone and blue as can be, Dream a lit -tle dream of me,
Stars fad -ing, but I lin -ger on, dear, Still crav -ing your kiss;
I'm long -ing to lin -ger till dawn, dear, Just say -ing this:
Sweet dreams till sun -beams find you, Sweet dreams that leave all wor -ries
be -hind you,
But in your dreams what -ev -er they be, Dream a lit -tle dream of me.

Words by D. Manning, Music by F. D. Marchetti – 1932

It was fas -ci -na -tion, my dear,
I was in a par -a -dise when you were near,
I was all a -glow More than you coud know;
It was just a dream, Now I see things more clear -ly,
It was fas -ci -na -tion, that's true,
There I was en -tranced by the star -light and you,
Then you turned a -way, love, and oh, when you left me,
Fas -ci -na -tion van -ished too.

Five Foot Two, Eyes Of Blue
Words by Sam Lewis and Joe Young, Music by Ray Henderson – 1925

I just saw a ma -ni -ac, ma -in -ic, ma -in -ic,
Wild, and tear -ing his hair,
Jump -ing like a jump -in' jack, jump -in' jack, jump -in' jack,
Child, you should have been there,
Laughed so loud I thought that I would cave in,
When I heard that sil -ly, daf -fy -dil -ly rav -in':

Five Foot Two, Eyes Of Blue, But oh, what those five foot could do,
Has an -y -bod -y seen my girl?
Turned up nose, turned down hose, Nev -er had no -oth -er beaus,
Has an -y -bod -y seen my girl?
Now if you run in -to a five foot two, cov -ered with fur,
Dia -mind rings and all those things Bet -cha' life it is -n't her,
But could she love, could she woo? Could she, could she, could she coo?
Has an -y -bod -y seen my girl?

Honeysuckle Rose
Words by Andy Razaf, Music by Thomas ("Fats") Waller – 1929

Ev -'ry hon -ey bee fills with jeal -ous -y when they see you out with me,
I don't blame them, good -ness knows, Hon -ey Suck -le Rose.
When you're pass -in' by flow -ers droop and sigh, and I know the rea -son
You're much sweet -er, good -ness knows, Hon -ey Suck -le Rose.
Don't buy sug -ar, you just have to touch my cup.
You're my sug -ar, it's sweet when you stir it up.
When I'm tak -in' sips from your tas -ty lips, seems the hon -ey fair -ly
You're con -fec -tion, good -ness knows, Hon -ey Suck -le Rose.

I Want A Girl
Words by William Dillon, Music by Harry Von Tilzer – 1911

When I was a boy my moth -er oft -en said to me,
Get mar -ried boy and see, how hap -py you will be,
I have looked all o -ver, but no girl -ie can I find,
Who seems to be just like the lit -tle girl, I have in mind,
I will have to look a -round un -til the right one I have found.  

I want a girl, just like the girl
That mar -ried dear old Dad,
She was a pearl and the on -ly girl
That Dad -dy ev -er had,
A good old fash -ioned girl with heart so true,
One who loves no -bod -y else but you,
I want a girl just like the girl
That mar -ried dear old Dad.

I'll Be With You In Apple Blossom Time
Words by Neville Fleeson, Music by Albert Von Tilzer - Copyright 1920

I'm writ -ing you dear, just to tell you,
In Sep -tem -ber, You re -mem -ber,
'Neath the old ap -ple tree, You whis -pered to me,
When it blos -somed a -gain, you'd be mine.
I've wait -ed un -til I could claim you,
I hope I've not wait -ed in vain,
For when it's spring in the val -ey,
I'm com -ing, my sweet -heart a -gain. 

I'll Be With You In Ap -ple Blos -som Time
I'll be with you to change your name to mine,
One day in May, I'll come and say,
"Hap -py the bride the sun shines on to day."
What a won -der -ful wed -ding there will be,
What a won -der -ful day for you and me,
Church bells will chime, You will be mine,
In ap -ple blos -som time.

Love Letters In The Sand
Words by Nick and Charles Kenny, Music by J. Fred Coots
Copyright 1931 by Irving Berlin, Inc.

The sun -beams kissed the sands My fate was in your hands
The day I met you dear
And though I find you've gone Your mem -'ry ling -erss on
I can't for -get you dear.  

On a day like to -day We passed the time a -way
Writ -ing Love Let -ters In The Sand
How you laughed when I cried each time I saw the tide take our
Love Let -ters In The Sand
You made a vow that you would al -ways be true
But some -how that vow meant noth -ing to you
Now my poor heart just aches With ev -'ry wave it breaks ov -er
Love Let -ters In The Sand.

Music by Walter Donaldson, Words by Gus Kahn – 1928

Ev -'ry time I hear that march from Loh -en -grin I am al -ways on the out
-side look -in' in.
May -be that is why I see the fun -ny side When I see a fall -en broth -er
take a bride.
Wed -dings make a lot of peo -ple sad, But if you're not the groom you're
not so bad. 

An -oth -er bride, an -the -er June, An -oth -er sun -ny hon -ey -moon,
An -oth -er se -son an -oth -er rea -son For Mak -in' Whoop -ee!
A lot of shoes, a lot of rice, The groom is ner -vous, he an -swers twice.
It's real -ly kill -ing that he's so will -ing To make whoop -ee.
Pic -ture a lit -tle love nest Down where the ros -es cling,
Pic -ture the same sweet love nest, Think what a year can bring.
He's wash -ing dish -es and ba -by clothes, He's so am -bi -tious he ev -en
But don't for -get folks, that's what you get folks For Mak -in' Whoop -ee!

Music by Conrad and Robinson, Words by B. Davis
Copyright 1920 by Waterson, Berlin & Snyder

You can talk a -bout your love af -fairs,
Here's one I must tell to you;
All night long they sit up -on the stairs,
He holds her close and starts to coo:  

"My lit -tle Mar -gie, I'm al -ways think -ing of you,
Mar -gie, I'll tell the world I love you;
Don't for -get your prom -ise to me,
I have bought a home and ring and ev -'ry thing, for
Mar -gie You've been my in -spir -at -ion,
Days are nev -er blue;
Af -ter all is said and done, There is real -ly on -ly one Oh!
Mar -gie, Mar -gie, it's you."

Music by George Girshwin, Words by Ira Girshwin  -  1924

Lis -ten to my tale of woe, It's ter -ri -bly sad, but true.
All dressed up no place to go, Each ev -'ning I'm awf -'ly blue.
I must win some win -some miss; Can't go on like this.
I could blos -som out I know, With some -bod -y just like you, so,

Oh, sweet and love -ly la -dy, be good!
Oh la -dy, be good! to me!
I am so awf' -ly mis -un -der -stood,
So la -dy be good to me.
Oh, please have some pit -y
I'm all a -lone in this big cit -y I tell you
I'm just a lone -some babe in the wood
So la -dy, be good to me!

Painting The Clouds With Sunshine
Words by Al Dubin, Music by Joe Burke  -  1929

This life's a play from the start, It's hard to play thru a part,
When there's an ache in your heart all day.
I have my dreams 'til the dawn, I wake to find they are gone,
But still the play "must go on" they say.  
When I pre -tend I'm gay I nev -er feel that way,
I'm on -ly paint -ing the clouds with sun -shine.
When I hold back a tear To make a smile ap -pear,
I'm on -ly paint -ing the clouds with sun -shine.
Paint -ing the blues beau -ti -ful hues, Col -ored with gold and old rose;
Play -ing the clown, Try -ing to drown All of my woes;
Tho' things may not look bright They'll all turn out al -right
If I keep paint -ing the clouds with sun -shine.

Pennies From Heaven
Words and Music by Arthur Johnston and John Burke  -  1936

A long time a -go a mil -lion years B C
The best things in life were ab -so -lute -ly free
But no one ap -pre -ci -at -ed a sky that was al -ways blue;
And no one con -grat -u -lat -ed a moon that was al -ways new.
So it was planned that they would van -ish now and then
And you must pay be -fore you get them back a -gain:
That's what storms were made for And you should -n't be a -fraid, for

Ev -'ry time it rains, it rains Pen -nies From Heav -en.
don't you know each cloud con -tains Pen -nies From Heav -en.
You'll find your for -tune fall -ing All o -ver town
Be sure that your um -brel -la is up side down.
Trade them for a pack -age of Sun -shine and flow -ers.
If you want the things you love, You must have show -ers.
So when you hear it thun -der Don't run un -der a tree.
There'll be Pen -nies From Heav -en for you and me.

September In The Rain
Words by Al Dubin, Music by Harry Warren – 1937

My day dreams lie bur -ied in au -tumn leaves,
They're cov -ered with au -tumn rain,
The time is sweet Sep -tem -ber, The place, a shad -y lane,
I'm rid -ing the wings of an au -tumn breeze, Back to my mem -o -ries;

The leaves of brown came tum -bling down, re -mem -ber?
In Sep -tem -ber, in the rain,
The sun went out just like a dy -ing em -ber,
That Sep -tem -ber, in the rain,
To ev -'ry word of love I heard you whis -per,
The rain -drops seemed to play a sweet re -frain,
Though Spring is here, to me it's still Sep -tem -ber,
That Sep -tem -ber, in the rain.

Sweet Georgia Brown
Words and Music by Ben Bernie, Maceo Pinkard, Kenneth Casey – 1925

She just got here yes -ter -day, Things are hot here now they say,
There's a big change in town.
Gals are jeal -ous there's no doubt, Still the fel -lows rave a -bout
Sweet, Sweet Geor -gia Brown;
And ev -er since she came The col -ored folks all claim:

Say, No gal made has got a shade On Sweet Geor -gia Brown,
Two left feet but oh so neat has Sweet Georgia Brown;
They all sigh and wan -na die For Sweet Geor -giea Brown
I'll tell you just why you know I don't lie Not Much!
It's been said she knocks 'em dead when she lands in town
Since she came why it's a shame how she cools 'em down
Fel -lers she can't get are Fel -ers she ain't met
Geor -gia claimed her Geor -gia named her Sweet Geor -gia Brown.

After You've Gone
Words and Music by Creamer & Layton – 1929

Now won't you list -en dear -ie while I say, How could you tell me that you're
goin' a -way?
Don't say that we must part, Don't break my ach -ing heart;
You know I've loved you tru -ly man -y years, Loved you night and day;
How can you leave me, can't you see my tears? List -en while I say:

Af -Ter You've Gone, and left me cry -ing, Af -Ter You've Gone, There's no
de -ny -ing;
You'll feel blue, You'll feel sad, You'll miss the dear -est pal you've ev
-er had.
There'll come a time, Now don't for -get it, There'll come a time, when you'll
re -gret it;
Some day when you grow lone -ly, your heart will break like mine and You'll
want me on -ly,
Af -Ter You've Gone, Af -Ter You've Gone a -way.

Ain't She Sweet
Words by J. Yellen, Music by M. Ager – 1929

There she is! There she is! There's what keeps me up at night.
Oh, gee whiz! Oh, gee whiz! There's why I can't eat a bite.
Those flam -ing eyes! That flam -ing youth!
Oh, Mis -ter Oh, Sis -ter Tell me the truth;

Ain't She Sweet? See her com -ing down the street! Now I
ask you ver -y con -fi -den -tial -ly Ain't She Sweet?
Ain't she nice? Look her o -ver once or twice. Now I
ask you ver -y con fi --den -tial -ly Ain't she nice? Just cast an eye
in her di -rec -tion Oh, me! Oh, my! Ain't that per -fec -tion?
I re -peat, don't you think that's kind of neat? And I
ask you ver -y con -fi -den -tial -y Ain't She Sweet?

All Of Me
Words and Music by Seymour Simons & Gerald Marks - Copyright 1931 by
Irving Berlin Inc.

You took my kiss -es and you took my love, You taught me how to care;
Am I to be just the rem -nant of a one -sid -ed love af -fair?
All you took, I glad -ly gave, There's noth -ing left for me to save.

All of me why not take all of me,
Can't you see I'm no good with -out you.
Take my lips I want to lose them,
Take my arms I'll nev -er use them,
Your good -bye left me with eyes that cry,
How can I go on dear with -out you.
You took the part that once was my heart,
So why not take all of me.

Words and Music by Irving Berlin - Copyright 1925 by Irving Berlin

Ev -'ry -thing went wrong, and the whole day long,
I'd feel so blue,
For the long -est while, I'd for -get to smile,
Then I met you,
Now that my blue days have passed,
Now that I've found you at last. 

I'll be lov -ing you, Al -ways,
With a love that's true, Al -ways,
When the things you've planned Need a help -ing hand,
I will un -der -stand, Al -ways, Al -ways.
Days may not be fair, Al -ways,
That's when I'll be there, Al -ways.
Not for just an hour, Not for just a day,
Not for just a year, But Al -ways.

Words by B.G. DeSylva, Music by Louis Silvers – 1921

Life is not a high -way strewn with flow -ers,
Still it holds a good -ly share of bliss,
When the sun gives way to A -pril show -ers,
Here's the point that you should nev -er miss. 

Though A -pril Show -ers may come your way,
They bring the flow -ers, that bloom in May,
So if it's rain -ing, have no re -grets
Be -cause it is -n't rain -ing rain you know, (It's rain -ing vi -o -lets,)
And where you see clouds, up -on the hills,
You soon will see crowds, of daf -fo -dils,
So keep on look -ing for a blue -bird And list' -ning for his song,
When ev -er A -pril Show -ers come a long.

Sweet Sue - Just You
Words by Will Harris, Music by Victor Young - Copyright 1928

Sue, dry your pret -ty eyes of blue Tears were nev -er meant for you
Smile a while please do, Sue
Dear, don't be -lieve the things you hear
You know I'm lone -ly for on -ly sweet you:  

Ev -'ry star a -bove Knows the one I love
Sweet Sue Just you
And the moon up high knows the reas -on why
Sweet Sue it's you.
No one else it seems Ev -er shares my dreams
And with -out you dear, I don't know whatt I'd do
In this heart of mine You live all the time
Sweet Sue just you.

Tip-Toe Thru' The Tulips With Me
Lyrics by Al Dubin, Music by Joe Burke – 1929

Shades of night are creep -ing, Wil -low trees are weep -ing,
Old folks and ba -bies are sleep -ing;
Sil -ver stars are gleam -ing, All a -lone I'm schem -ing,
Schem -ing to get you out here, my dear, -Come 

Tip -toe to the win -dow, by the win -dow, That is where I'll be,
Come tip -toe thru the tu -lips with me;
Tip -toe from your pil -low, to the sha -dow of a wil -low tree,
And tip -toe thru the tu -lips with me;
Knee deep in flow -ers we'll stray
We'll keep the show -ers a -way;
And if I kiss you in the gar -den, in the moon -light,
Will you par -don me,
Come tip -toe thru the tu -lips with me.

Words and Music by Gus Kahn, Ernie Erdman, Dan Russo – 1922

Yes -ter -day I heard a lov -er sigh,
"Good -bye oh me, oh my"
Sev -en times he got a -board his train
And sev -en times he hur -ried back to kiss his love a -gain, and tell her

"Toot, Toot, Tootsie, Good -Bye!
Toot, Toot, Tootsie, don't cry,
The choo choo train that takes me,
A -way from you no words can tell how sad it makes me,
Kiss me, Tooot -sie, and then,
Do it o -ver a -gain,
Watch for the mail, I'll nev -er fail,
If you don't get a let -ter then you'll know I'm in jail,
Tut, tut, Toot -sie don't cry, Toot, Toot, Tootsie Good -Bye!"

Tumbling Tumbleweeds
Words and Music by Bob Nolan – 1934

I'm a roam -ing cow -bow rid -ing all day long,
Tum -ble -weeds a -round me, sing their lone -ly song.
Nights un -der neath a prai -rie moon, I ride a -lone and sing a tune.

See them tum -bling down, Pledg -ing their love to the ground,
Lone -ly but free I'll be found, Drift -ing a -long with the tum -bling tum
-ble -weeds.
Cares of the past are be -hind, No -where to go, but I'll find, Just where
the trail will wind,
Drift -ing a -long with the tum -bling tum -ble weeds.
I know when night has gone that a new world's born at dawn,
I'll keep roll -ing a -long, Deep in my heart is a song, Here on the range
I be -long,
Drift -ing a -long with the tum -bling tum -ble -weeds. tum -ble -weeds.

Words by G. Kahn, Music by R. Whitting - Copyright 1925 by Irving Berlin,

I saw the splen -dor of the moon -light On Hon -o -lu -lu Bay
There's some -thing ten -der in the moon -light On Hon -o -lu -lu Bay,
And all the beach -es Are full of peach -es Who bring their "ukes" a -long
And in the glim -mer of the moon -light They love to sing this song; 

If you like -a Uk -u -le -le La -dy, Uk -u -le -le La -dy like -a you
If you like to lin -ger where it's sha -dy Uk -u -le -le La -dy lin -ger
If you kiss a Uk -u -le -le La -dy While you prom -ise ev -er to be true
And she see an -oth -er Uk -u -le -le La -dy fool a -round with you
May -be she'll sigh May -be she'll cry
May -be she'll find some -bod -y else Bye -and -bye
To sing to When it's cool and sha -dy Where the trick -y Wic -ki -Wack -ies
If you like a Uk -u -le -le La -dy, Uk -u -le -le La -dy like -a you.

We'll Meet Again
Words and Music by Ross Parker and Hughie Charles – 1939

Let's say good -bye with a smile dear, Just for a while dear, We must part,
Don't let the part -ing up -set you, I'll not for -get you sweet -heart. 

We'll Meet A-gain don't know where, don't know when
But I know We'll Meet A-gain some -sun ny day,
Keep smil -in' thru' just like you al -ways do
Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far a -way.
So will you please say hel -lo to the folks that I know, Tell them I won't
be long,
They'll be hap -py to know that as you saw me go, I was sing -ing this song.
We'll Meet A-gain don't know where, don't know when
But I know We'll Meet A-gain some sun -ny day.

When The Red, Red, Robbin Goes Bob, Bob, Bobbin' Along
Words and Music by Harry Woods - Copyright 1926 by Irving Berlin, Inc.

I heard a rob -in this morn -ing, I'm feel -ing hap -py to -day
Goin' to pack my cares in a whis -tle And Blow them all a -way.
What if I've been un -luck -y, Real -ly have -n't a thing,
There's a time I al -ways feel hap -py, As hap -py as a king. 

When the red, red, rob -in comes bob, bob, bob -bin' a -long, a -long,
There'll be no more sob -bin' When he starts throb -bin' his old sweet song,
Wake up, wake up you sleep -y head, Get up, get up, get out of bed,
cheer up, cheer up, the sun is red, Live, Love, laugh and be hap -py,
What if I've been blue now I'm walk -in' through fields of flow'rs,
Rain may glis -ten but still I lis -ten for hours and hours,
I'm just a kid a -gain do -in' what I did a -gain sing -ing a song
When the red, red, rob -in comes bob, bob, bob -bin' a -long.

You Do Something To Me
Words and Music by Cole Porter - Copyright 1929 by Harms Inc.

I was might -y blue, Thought my life was through,
Till the heav -ens o -pened, And I gazed at you.
Won't you tell me, dear, Why, when you ap -pear,
Some -thing hap -pens to me And the strang -est feel -ing goes through me? 

You Do Some-thing To Me,
some -thing that sim -ply mys -ti fies me.
Tell me, why should it be,
You have the pow'r to hyp -no -tize me?
Let me live 'neath your spell,
Do do that voo -doo that you do so well,
For You Do Some-thing To Me,
That no -bod -y else can do.

Words and Music by B. G. De Sylva – 1925

I have got a sweet -ie known as Su -sie
In the words of Shake -speare she's a "wow"
Though all of you May know her too
I'd like to shout right now: 

If you knew Su -sie like I know Su -sie
Oh! Oh! Oh! what a girl!
There's none so clas -sy as this fair las -sie
Oh! Oh! Ho -ly Mos -es! what a chas -sis!
We went ri -ding She did -n't balk
Back from You -kers I'm the one that had to walk!
If you knew Su -sie like I know Su -sie
Oh! Oh! what a girl.

Easter Parade
Words and Music by Irving Berlin - Copyright 1933 by Irving Berlin

Nev -er saw you look Quite so pret -ty be -fore
Nev -er saw you dressed Quite so love -ly, what's more
I could hard -ly wait To keep our date This love -ly East -er morn -ing,
And my heart beat fast As I came through the door for: 

In your East -er bon -net With all the frills up -on it,
You'll be the grand -est la -dy in The East -er Par -ade.
I'll be all in clov -er, And when they look you ov -er
I'll be the proud -est fel -low in The East -er Par -ade.
On the Av -e -nue, Fifth Av -e -nue,
The pho -to -graph -ers will snap us And you'll find that you're In the ro
-to -gra -vure.
Oh, I could write a son -net A -bout your East -er bon -net
And of the girl I'm tak -ing to The East -er Par -ade.