The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73670   Message #1289439
Posted By: George Papavgeris
05-Oct-04 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
You make me smile, OG. Careful you don't pierce your cheek with your tongue when you write these posts!

A) "I could possibly be wrong and I am ready to change my mind any time I find out I am wrong...". The thing is, OG, this requires the ability to recognise that they have been wrong, before they can accept it and then change their mind. Simply putting facts in front of someone is not sufficient. The human mind can be extremely agile in avoiding the unpleasantly obvious, a kind of "flight or fight".

So, simply making that statement above - tongue in cheek as it is anyway - does not prove that you would know "when you are wrong". It's a fence painted to look like a gate.

B) "Everybody knows Bush lied when he said Saddam was directly involved in the 9/11 attack. I haven't been able to see evidence that he said it anywhere but I know it must be true. All the cocky bastard knows how to do is lie."

Ah, there you go again. It's that word "directly" that you inserted ever-so-carefully. Because I scanned this thread, albeit rather hastily, and I could not find anyone posting here that was claiming that Bush said that.

However, Bush did put Iraq at head of his Axis of Evil, and made Saddam his focus in attacking Iraq post 9/11. Did he not? And in doing so, was he not inferring INDIRECT involvement of Saddam and Iraq in 9/11? Otherwise, why was he so hellbent on going there (hellbent to the extent of casting aside the UN until he needed their cloak of respectability, much later)? The Iraq war was part of the Crusade against terrorism, was it not?

And if he did infer indirect involvement, which to date has not been proven (not inferred, not deduced, not assumed, but proven - as in "with facts that withstand scrutiny"), was he not dishonest in the first place?

As indeed I believe you may be, OG. The only mitigating factor I can think of would be the inability to recognise when one is wrong, which many of us suffer from. Because to be truly dishonest one needs to have the knowledge of the truth in the first place, and perhaps you don't.

Or perhaps it is me, and others here, who do not see the obvious. It can happen. But a proverb where I come from says "If one laughs on his own, he's a fool. If two people laugh, they may know something".

Whatever. Thank you for posting all those links regarding sattelite dishes, I will check them when I have time.

Meanwhile, keep at it, OG. You clearly have time on your hands.

And truth has time on its side.