The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73980   Message #1290185
Posted By: GUEST,Anne Croucher
06-Oct-04 - 09:48 AM
Thread Name: Sidmouth 05 is alive?
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 05 is alive?
The old threads were thumping big things which were choking even this rather fast PC and the broadband connection. The new title was not intended to be subversive in any way, just get to any new information faster.

I almost did not put the question mark in the title, but it seems to be necessary after all.

It will be a pity if the main festival fails, but I think that those Sidmouth residents who barracade themselves into their homes and glower out of the windows periodically throughout the duration will be glad to see the back of it all.

Maybe the effect of having a much reduced festival and income from visitors will shock the good citisens into protesting that something should be done, and local people exerting pressure on their politicians to find funding from somewhere, anywhere, will produce results.

Just how long a fringe festival will survive without the main goings on is anybody's guess, but I don't think that the town's own tourist interest will provide the income it has come to enjoy and expect from the First Week in August.

Are there maybe plans for expanding any other festivals in opposition to Sidmouth to attract those who would have gone there?
