The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74106   Message #1290229
Posted By: freda underhill
06-Oct-04 - 10:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Return of Ten obscure facts about you
Subject: BS: The Return of Ten obscure facts aboutyou
Hi, I have been snooping on my secret Santee, and came across a thread called "Ten Obscure facts about you". as its closed, here is a continuation. my ten obscure facts:

1. the name i use now is not the name I was born with

2. i used to teach yoga, and was able to put both legs behind my neck.

3. I nearly hung up on Spike Milligan, when he rang me up from england to talk. (I didnt believe it was him)

4. I may be descended from Jimmy Clynes, first Labour Deputy Prime Minister of England.

5. i wrote a submission to the Ombudsman which resulted in the dismantling and restructure of a government department (former NSW Department of Housing).

6.I have had proposals of marriage from two Professors (not at the same time!) and said no to both. Both I had never had a personal conversation with prior to the proposal.

7. I used to be very afraid of spiders, and have nightmares about them, but have overcome this fear.

8. Eric Bogle used to sing at our family sessions when i was a teenager.

9. A family friend with a Top Secret security clearance told my father that ASIO came incognito to my wedding, when i was 19, and took photos of all the guests there.

10. I am an artist and used to work as a ccartoonist and illustrator in the 80s.

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