The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #354 Message #1290884
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
06-Oct-04 - 11:26 PM
Thread Name: Origins: One Meatball - blues song
Subject: RE: Lyrics request: One Meatball - blues song
"The Lone Fish Ball" in the DT is the same as lyrics in "The Academy Songbook," 1898, Charles H. Levermore, no. 54, with music, as printed in the abridged edition, pp. 112-113. Ginn & Co.
There is a second version in the same book, no. 55, p. 113, with music.
Lyr. Add: The Lone Fish Ball Second version.
There was a man who went up and down, Bzt, Bzt, (whistled) To seek a dinner through the town, Bzr, Bzt, (whistled)
What wretch is he who wife forsakes, Sing Tiddy-i-um, sing Tiddy-i-o.
Remaining verses as version one.
Note: In this book, verses 11 and 12 are called the "Moral."