The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74018   Message #1291054
Posted By: GUEST,Musician
07-Oct-04 - 04:59 AM
Thread Name: Unwanted Accompaniment
Subject: RE: Unwanted Accompaniment
It's just a shame that so many have such bad manners. A session (music or singing) is about having fun and if one persons bad manner ruin the fun for others. I was at a session a few weeks ago and someone was trying to sing a song "The backing" from surrounding musicians and percussionists (I'm being polite) was so loud you couldn't hear a word that was being sung.

Maybe some of these "Teachers" at festivals and work shops could teach a bit of etiquette and good manners then the need wouldn't arise when someone feels he/she needs to ask someone to be quiet or F.O. as suggested. They have a lot to answer for when it comes to the onslaught of new members to sessions carrying a barrage of Bodrans, rattles, spoons, tambourines, eggs and other noise making machines, with the attitude it's ok to join in at a session as long as your having fun ability doesn't matter as long as you're enthusiastic and make sure everyone can hear you not the poor sod who's been learning his instrument for years and rehearsing a new song.

Sorry Raggytash - you shouldn't have to put up with such bad manners and the attitude when asked to be quiet was just what I would have expected from this type of person.