The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73340   Message #1291396
Posted By: LilyFestre
07-Oct-04 - 12:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
Today is a good day because I got to go with my best girlfriend for an ultrasound. She is 13 weeks pregnant with twins..they finally are starting to look like they have clearly visable arms and was pretty active! I also got to hear each of their heartbeats! Going with her is the one thing I REALLY look forward to doing each month!

Also, I won a raffle for a basket full of goodies!!!

And finally, 26 baby chicks joined our family today. Five Silver Laced Wyandotts, 5 Rhode Island Reds, 5 Black Astrolops, 5 Buff Oringtons and 1 unknown exotic chicky. I had mail ordered these birds about a week ago and this morning the Post Office called to tell me they were here and to come get them. The minute I walked in the Post Office I told the clerk I could hear my package....he smiled and brought out this little box of peeping chicks. Everyone in the post office had to come look and pet them..the are SO CUTE!!!!!   :)
