The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74152   Message #1291431
Posted By: George Papavgeris
07-Oct-04 - 01:21 PM
Thread Name: Les Sullivan Monday Herga
Subject: RE: Les Sullivan Monday Herga
Also "HergaKitty", I believe (she sings on the CD)
And Mike Sparks, "Zorg", Mary O'Connor (back from her flutter in France), "Hovering Bob", "Moses", "Singing Ref"....

Les is particularly appreciated at Herga, both as a lovely bloke and a great songwriter. Most Herga singers have at least one Les Sullivan song in their repertoire ("Moses" is going for the record, I think). Johnny Collins has recorded at least one of Les' songs (Jutland).

I always enjoy listening to Les live. He has such obvious conviction and warmth in his performance that he carries you with him. I expect to be misty eyed during the "Ballad of Tubby Clayton" and "Sullivan's Letter"... And "Natasha"... And "Roses of No Man's Land"... And I expect to belting out insanely during "Five Pounds". And "Deadeye Sound" - or "Hard On" as we have affectionately subtitled it.

Stin Ygeia sou, Les!