The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74106   Message #1291437
Posted By: Mrrzy
07-Oct-04 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Return of Ten obscure facts about you
Subject: RE: BS: The Return of Ten obscure facts about you
1) I have a split uvula
2) I am related to the Mayflower Madam on my Dad's side
3) I am related to the guy who heard the dog bark in the OJSimpson trial on my Mom's side
4) I was raised without religion
5) I was raised without gender typing (I don't think of myself as male or female or gay or straight until it's relevant)
6)I was raised without race typing (I don't think of myself as black or white either, until it's relevant)
7) One of my great-granduncles built the Budapest Parliament building, among other marvels of architecture
8) My dad was one of the first Americans to be killed by Islamic fundamentalist terrorists
9) He was also the first American to interview Jean-Paul Sartre (I see that facts about one's relatives count as facts about one, from earlier posts)
10) I'm apparently allergic to everything, including the inert (!) medium they put allergins IN to test people