The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2871   Message #12927
Posted By:
23-Sep-97 - 12:54 AM
Thread Name: Lullaby Land (songs posted here)
While searching the DT and the forum to try to find the source of the variant, supposedly Anglo-Welsh, lyrics that I have for ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT, I made an interesting discovery: although lullabies constitute a healthy fraction of the world's folk songs, there are only 35 listings in the DT under @lullaby and no threads I could find devoted to collecting them. There are a goodly number referred to individually here and there, but no compilation. So I propose to post the lyrics to this version of A.T.T.N. (which is not in the DT), both in the hope that someone knows the source, and to stimulate a round of baby-soothing additions to the database. Here goes:


(Anglo-Welsh Lyrics -- whatever that means)

Sleep, my babe, no ill betide thee,
All through the night.
Guardian angels watch beside thee
All through the night.

O’er thy cradle stars are beaming,
Silver bright the moon is gleaming;
Thou shalt tread the land of dreaming.
All through the night.

While the earth in calm reposes,
All through the night.
Thou shalt sleep as sleep the roses,
All through the night.

Hushed from sorrow and repining,
Rest until the sun is shining,
In my loving arms reclining,
All through the night.

Looking forward to the fishies we'll catch wi' this net!

Sweet dreams,
