The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73819   Message #1292758
Posted By: GUEST,Fieldvole
08-Oct-04 - 08:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Religious Freedom vs. Local Zoning Laws
Subject: RE: BS: Religious Freedom vs. Local Zoning Laws

If I/we tried to interfere with your religion by asking/telling you
to change or alter it, because we didn't like the way you do things,
we would be politely told to $%&* off and mind our own business,
wouldn't we? We would also be out of order in doing so, because it
IS your own private business, and quite rightly so.

So, as I said in my previous post, why are you asking the local
community to change their private/public lives to suit YOUR religious

This thread has dragged on and on, covering varying aspects of the
case, and basically getting nowhere, it never will get anywhere as
long as one part of the community is trying to force the other part
to change it's long established laws, (which you came to the area to
enjoy the benefits of). Sorry, but as I said before, you shouldn't
be putting the residents of this community in the position of having
to defend their well thought out zoning laws against religious belief.
In other words a public issue against a private one. It can't be done!

As you well know, there is no defense against the religion argument,
(which is why you are using it, and shouldn't be) because however
you try to defend yourself against it, it will be construed as
racialism. (If that is the correct term, but you know what I mean)


Let us go into the realms of the ridiculous for a moment.

1. My aged mother, who lives near you, has an ingrowing toenail, she
can't walk very far and needs a local store. SORRY Rabbi-Sol but you
will have to give up a small portion of your front yard to build her one.

2. The local people need a drive in cinema / bowling alley / shopping
mall. SORRY Rabbi-Sol but it is going to be built right down the street from you. You are going to lose your pleasant outlook so that
the local people can have what they want. WELL TOUGH LUCK.


This is what you are really saying to your local community isn't it?

Would YOU like it? I think not! (Especially as you have zoning laws to stop this sort of thing).

As I said before, if you can't do it within the existing rules,
(without bringing the big religious cannon into the battle), then
you would be better looking elsewhere for the things you need.

I am sorry if I sound nasty about this, but there are too many people
trying to force other people into doing what they don't want to do,
and using the religion / color gambit is the worst way of doing it.
As I said before, laws are laws. Once you get / if you get this
through, who will be the next group to flout the laws?
They did it, why can't we? they will say. And yet another part of our lives, laws and freedom will be lost.

No Rabbi, I appreciate that you are driven by your religious beliefs,
BUT, they ARE *YOUR* religious beliefs, no one elses, not the community's or maybe even your next door neighbours. They are YOURS.
Why should the rest of the community take them on board?

SO...if you feel you must fight the laws, then fight them cleanly,
do it within the existing laws which have served you well for so long.
And if you lose, well, you gave it your best shot and you must think
again and move on to other ways of getting what you need.

Right, rant over, it's getting late here and I must go.
Whatever you do or however it ends up, I wish you well.

Best wishes
