The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34510   Message #1293168
Posted By: Abby Sale
09-Oct-04 - 11:42 AM
Thread Name: Origins: We Are the D-Day Dodgers
Subject: Other, unrelated slander
Speaking of slanders. Or facts...
                               Happy Aimee Semple McPherson's birthday!
                                  born October 9, 1890 (d9/27/1944)

(See Ballad of.)

This was one of the few Happy! entries I've gotten complaints about.

I got a message from one of her true believers about 4 years ago to please remove this slander. He felt she was a true Christian and all that talk was just slander from atheists who would destroy her good name.

I was slightly surprised that she still had loyal followers so many decades later. Faith, it seems, will often have the power to overcome facts and good judgement. Let's see... for whom should I vote in November?