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Thread #73670   Message #1293187
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-Oct-04 - 12:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry is an arrogant asshole
You misunderstand the circumstances in the War of 1812, Old Guy. It wasn't that the British "came back" was that a bunch of glory-seeking American politicians decided the time was ripe to add Canada (British North America) to the territory of the USA. They did not succeed. We British whupped YOU guys...every single time you attempted to invade Canada in that war. The proof of that is that Canada still exists as an independent country. We also went down to Washington and burnt down the White House in that war. The USA won some small naval battles, and the British won some small naval battles here and there. The British Navy pretty much cleaned the US merchant marine off the oceans for a bit there, but Oliver Hazard Perry did quite well for the USA in the naval combat on the Great Lakes. The final battle of the War of 1812-14 occurred at New Orleans, after the war was already officially over! (but the combatants had not gotten the news yet...) Andrew Jackson did win that one. Because it is really the only very significant land battle that the USA managed to win in that fiasco of a war, your historians have clung to it as a sort of pathetic fig leaf to stick over the naked fact that the War of 1812 was a complete failure for the failed in its main and only strategic objective, which was to occupy Canada and add it to the territory of the USA. The only British objective in that war was to defend Canada and retaliate against the American attacks. They did that most successfully. The attacks on Washington and New Orleans were not an attempt to occupy the USA, they were raids conducted by Britain because Britain had a dominant navy and could raid wherever the hell they wanted to in order to tie up and trouble the American forces. After we burned Washington, we got back on the ships and sailed obviously we were not there to occupy the USA or conquer it.

The War of 1812 was launched by the USA, hoping to take advantage of an England which was perceived as being tied down in Europe and ripe for the picking (of Canada). That war failed in its objectives. Your politicians and historians are simply not honest enough to dream of telling your schoolchildren the sorry truth about it, so they cling to a useless victory that happened after the war was officially over, because it's the only frigging significant victory they could salvage out of that war!

Given the fact that you were brought up in the American school system, I'm not surprised your awareness of the War of 1812 is...somewhat limited. I was in the American school system between age 10 and 19. I have never seen such a lopsided barrage of self-serving propaganda in my life.

You see, there's a problem here. You've got the idea that the USA is the victim here, that it is the USA that's under attack. Not so! The USA was not under attack in 1812, the USA was the aggressor, seeking to gain land to the north. The USA was not under attack by Iraq either in 2003, the USA was the aggressor, seeking to gain oil...and personal revenge for George Bush on "the guy who tried to kill my dad".

Most of the terrorists in the World today are an aftereffect of 3 basic things:

a) aggressive American empire-building
b) aggressive Russian empire-building
c) aggressive Israeli land-grabbing

You have got the wrong idea, Old Guy, about who threw the first stone in every one of those conflicts and about who the real injured parties are. Americans are not the injured party....they are the party that dominates, robs, and terrorizes the World with weapons of mass destruction while spouting hackneyed platitudes that hardly anyone believes anymore about "freedom" and "liberty" and other stuff that they think they invented or something.

It's just pathetic. Wake up and take responsibility, for God's sake. The USA's actions have created most of the World's most dangerous terrorists as a direct result of its own intervention in other people's lives all over the World. The USA is Doctor Frankenstein, now being menaced by the very monster he himself created in the first place.

You guys ARE the number 1 terrorists (your government is, I mean, not your private citizens...your private citizens are just ordinary, decent people who have been badly misinformed).