The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74251   Message #1293651
Posted By: GUEST,Dave Roberts, Salt Town Poets
10-Oct-04 - 04:25 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Our Sarah's Getten' a Chap
I've been through the words and altered a few to what I THINK is correct.My amendments are in capitals. Trouble is that these things are often difficult to decipher and open to different interpretations.
Anyhow, good luck with the song. It's one the Salt Town Poets are thinking of learning too.

Dave Roberts
Salt Town Poets

E'dear, there's been some changes in our 'ouse this week or two
Where once there used to be a din, it's like a Sunday School,
We never FEIGHT (fight) for apple pie, we very seldom flap
Ana' wot does think the reason - why, our Sarah's getten' a chap.

Our fender shines just like a bell, we've 'AD IT SILVERED O'ER
And cat appears to waish itsel' more ofen than 'afore
Our lickle Nathan's wiped his nose and Jimmy's brushed 'is cap
And all this fuss is all acuz our Sarah's getten' a chap.

'E's one of these young nutty men, they ses e's brass 'an all
Me mother's apron's alus clean for fear 'e gives a call
We polished up door knocker too, we're swanky you can tell
But Sarah sez it widna' do, w'shd 'ave to 'ave a bell.

We bought a carpet 'tother neet, to wear it seems a sin
Me Faither 'as to wipe 'is feet afore 'e dares come in
'E sez 'e's NOAN E'ER ONE some'ow (not any one), 'e sez 'e's NOAN ON'T MAP
(not on the map)
An 'e allus wears 'is collar now our Sarah's getten' a chap.

'E comes a'courtin every neet, 'e fills our cat wi' dread
'is sky blae gaiters un 'is feet an 'yair oil on 'is yead
'E likes to swank about and strut and talk about 'is biz'
'E's summat in an office bur' I doan know war it is

'E's getten our 'ouse all in a whirl, 'E's such an 'owlin' swell,
Ah wish 'e'd geet anotha girl an'r go and loose 'isel'
Our Parrot goan and popped 'is toes and rooster WINNA flap
'Ahm gonin' daft' n' all acuz our Sarah's getten a chap