The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74106   Message #1293909
Posted By: GUEST,SueB
10-Oct-04 - 02:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Return of Ten obscure facts about you
Subject: RE: BS: The Return of Ten obscure facts about you
Lucky P! I went to Boston Latin as well! My mother went to Girls Latin in the late 40's when there were two Latin schools in Boston - Boys Latin and Girls Latin. By the time I went in the early seventies, both schools were co-ed and there was one citywide entrance exam to get in - where you lived determined whether you went to the school that used to be Boys Latin or the school that used to be Girls Latin. I learned to conjugate Latin verbs to the tune of the Mexican Hat dance. I've only seen the show Boston Public once, but it really looked to me like it was filmed in the old Girls Latin building (which was Boston Latin when I went to it.)