The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74106   Message #1293920
Posted By: Sam L
10-Oct-04 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Return of Ten obscure facts about you
Subject: RE: BS: The Return of Ten obscure facts about you
Probably happened, Dianavan, people suck, but I don't really know. I didn't know any other paperboys except my brother.
   I was drafted into my older brother's morning route one night when I'd stayed up late playing with a tape recorder and my dad's guitar. It's one of my clearest memories--I was just getting ready to collapse in bed when I heard my brother begging off sick. Somehow he never got better enough to do the route again, and my parents wouldn't let him quit, so that meant it was my job now. I was a middle child. I rolled my papers at the building in silence, didn't know or speak to anyone there.

and I had an afternoon route, where a truck dropped my papers. Never knew another paperboy--I think I knew of some kids who had routes.

The night I inherited a paper-route is probably my best obscure fact about me, because it's one of the longest clearest memories I have from childhood.

Another is when I was 14 I decided to buy myself some cool sandals with my own money from working at a screen-printing shop. I wound up the next day wearing them at an older girl's apartment, where I came to a stoned but lucid realization that they were atrocious and ridiculous things to wear, tucked them discreetly under the sofa, went home barefoot, and never looked back.