The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71739   Message #1293937
Posted By: Blissfully Ignorant
10-Oct-04 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: What causes AIDS?
Subject: RE: BS: What causes AIDS?
HIV can be transmitted through ANY type of sexual activity that involves the exchanging of bodily fluids. That means oral, anal, and vaginal intercourse. You don't have to be homosexual to give or receive it, nor do you have to promiscuous- i think that's an important point. You can get HIV just as easily by sleeping with one partner as by sleeping with a hundred, and it's not a good idea to trust to luck. Although condoms are not infallible, they are, next to abstaining from sexual activity, the best way of preventing infection from HIV and STIs availiable. Incidentally, i am absolutely appalled that i wasn't taught this in school and i believe inadequate sex education is one contributing factor to the continuing spread of HIV, and an indicator of both the stigma attached to the virus and its victims and of the embarresment felt by many about discussing sexual matters frankly and openly.

It is undeniably damaging to politicise medicine, and wholly unfair to stigmatise HIV victims. Let's not discuss where it came from but, how to stop it, eh? Does it really matter whether they are gay or straight, black or white? They're human beings, and desperately in need of treatment.   Reverting to mindless homophobia does nothing to help sufferers, many of whom are not gay, or drug addicts, but are just plain unlucky, and not to mention too poor to afford treatment.
What's needed is an international, inter-political effort to provide education and treatment to everyone who needs it. Since when was compassion conditional? There but for the grace of God go i- say that to yourself quietly sometimes...:)