The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10945   Message #1293961
Posted By: Jeri
10-Oct-04 - 05:05 PM
Thread Name: Origins: The Sailor's Way / Across the Line
Subject: RE: Origins: 'The Sailor's Way'
Charlie, you're a degree or two off, but otherwise, steady on.

Se The Cape Horner:
When it was
'Round the Horn and 'ome again, that's the sailor's way,
'Crost the road to Newcastle, back to 'Frisco Bay,
Up the coast to Oregon, down to Callao,
Round the Horn and 'ome again -- forty years ago.

Then there's The Half Loaf, with:
South away to Singapore, North away to Nome,
An' round the world and back again is one way 'ome.

There 'Across the Line' in the DT. Is it a version of 'Sailor's Way'?