The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9875 Message #1294169
Posted By: Jim Dixon
11-Oct-04 - 06:00 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req/Add: Duna ^^^
Subject: Lyr Add: DUNA (Marjorie Pickthall)
Copied from Note "sailormen" instead of "islands" and that the second halves of the verses were switched in the Gordon Bok version above.
DUNA Marjorie Pickthall, 1913.
When I was a little lad With folly on my lips, Fain was I for journeying All the seas in ships. But now across the southern swell, Every dawn I hear The little streams of Duna Running clear.
When I was a young man, Before my beard was gray, All to ships and sailormen I gave my heart away. But I'm weary of the sea-wind, I'm weary of the foam, And the little stars of Duna Call me home.