The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74018   Message #1294196
Posted By: GUEST,KB
11-Oct-04 - 07:47 AM
Thread Name: Unwanted Accompaniment
Subject: RE: Unwanted Accompaniment
Hmm - some of the problem is in the mind of the performer.

Last time I went to venue X I had unwanted accompaniment from someone. I got REALLY annoyed, slowed down, speeded up, did everything I could to shake him off my tail and finished the song fuming. Needless to say I was too chicken to actually say anything to him - other than glare & bitch behind his back (oops).

This weekend I went to venue X again & the same chap accompanied me loudly and uninvited, but this time I was in a better mood to start with, took time to listen to what he was adding, turned round and played with him rather than against him, and had a fantastic time - the end result of which was much better music. It was a huge lesson to me - and has started a complete turnaround of my opinion.

I think, on reflection, I was being a bit too territorial on the first occasion and felt he was invading my personal musical space. On the second occasion we found a middle ground we could share. I was probably being a stroppy pre-menstrual bitch the first time - poor bloke! I can only hope he didn't notice how mean I was, and that I can be a bit more accepting and generous in future & not be so damned anal! Afterall it was only a pub, and full of people who want a good time rather than meticulously rehearsed performance.

cheers all

(I might even get to like shaky-eggs one day - but one step at a time, eh? .....)